Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Am I Blue?

This book is about homosexuality, and the acceptance of opening up and being okay with yourself and your attraction to other genders. I love the writing and the personalities of the characters. There's a fairy godfather and I found that awesome, because when else do you really hear that? I totally recommend this book, to anyone who isn't going to judge. It's fun, inspirational, and so entertaining.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My third independent reading book, is called Catalyst.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Things Not Seen

I chose, Things Not Seen, for my second independent reading book because honestly, the cover was the thing that caught my attention. Then when I had read the back, and found out an invisible teenage boy was the the main character, it interested me even more. There's a strange twist to the end, that made me continue reading.

A Child Called ''It''

An inspirational story about a young boy's struggle to survive. The journey to freedom, and finding hope.

I highly recommend this book.

'A Child Called It' Poem

Years of abuse.
Tortured and bruised.
Cold in the basement
Without any shoes
The endless years without any love
I thought mothers were suppose to love sons.
The struggle to survive.
The game to get food.
You tried to kill me.
But i was set Free.